USR9113 Wireless Ndx ADSL2+ Gateway

(USR9113, USR029113, USR819113, 029113, 809113)

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Warranty: 2 Year


  • Repair Information
  • Tutorials
  • Vista Printer Installation
  • XP/2000 Printer Installation
  • 98/Me Printer Installation
  • 9113 Frequently Asked Questions
  • End PPP Connection after inactivity.
  • Implementing Wireless Security
  • Ping Procedure
  • Wireless range performance
  • What is 802.11 wireless networking?

  • Additional Support

    If the support information in this section doesn't help you solve your issue, you can contact a USRobotics Help Desk Technician directly.

    Note: In order to prevent your browser from trying to open these files, right-click the file and select Save Target As... to download.

    Manuals and other Documents


    Installation and Firmware

    Version 1.2 - Annex A only (ADSL over Analog)

    Note: To save and maintain your current settings, such as VPI and VCI variables, it is recommended to use the EasyConfigurator installation utility. Follow the steps below to upgrade your gateway and save your current settings:

    1. Download and install the EasyConfigurator installation utility.
    2. Extract the USR9113A.bin file located below to a temporary directory such as C:\USR.
    3. Launch the EasyConfigurator software.
    4. Select the Advanced tab.
    5. Click browse and select the upgrade file USR9113A.bin.
    6. Click upgrade.
    7. EasyConfigurator will restore the ADSL configuration on successful firmware upgrade.
    USR9113ReleaseNotes1.2a.txt1 KB11-02-08
    USR9113A.bin3.4 MB09-01-08
    Version 1.2 - Annex B only (ADSL over ISDN)

    Note: To save and maintain your current settings, such as VPI and VCI variables, it is recommended to use the EasyConfigurator installation utility. Follow the steps below to upgrade your gateway and save your current settings:

    1. Download and install the EasyConfigurator installation utility.
    2. Extract the USR9113B.bin file located below to a temporary directory such as C:\USR.
    3. Launch the EasyConfigurator software.
    4. Select the Advanced tab.
    5. Click browse and select the upgrade file USR9113B.bin.
    6. Click upgrade.
    7. EasyConfigurator will restore the ADSL configuration on successful firmware upgrade.
    USR9113ReleaseNotes1.2a.txt1 KB11-02-08
    USR9113B.bin3.4 MB10-01-08

    GPL Source Code

    The GPL Source Code contained in this product is available as a free download from the GPL Code Central

    Installation and Firmware Archive

    Version 1.0 - Annex A only
    USR9113ReleaseNotes1.0a.txt1 KB17-05-07
    USR9113A-v1.0.bin3.4 MB19-04-07
    Version 1.1 - Annex B only (ADSL over ISDN)
    USR9113ReleaseNotes1.1b.txt1 KB17-05-07
    USR9113B-v1.1.bin3.4 MB19-04-07

    Tech Support via E-mail E-mail a USRobotics Support Technician.

    Product Registration Activate your USRobotics product warranty online.