USR805453A Professional Access Point

(USR805453A, 64-805453A-00, 5453A)

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Garantie: 2 Jahres

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  • Reparatur Informationen
  • How do I connect using the built in Radius server?
  • What is my default Login and Password?
  • Wireless LANs – Are They Safe?
  • Wireless range performance

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    Firmware version 1.2.9
    Upgrade procedures:
    1. Laden Sie diese Datei vorläufig auf einen Speicherplatz des Festplattenlaufwerkes Ihres Computers.
    2. To upgrade your Professional Access Point with all operating systems, open an Internet browser and enter the access point's IP address.
      Hinweis: If you do not know your access points IP address, follow the instructions described in the Mehrsprechige Schnellinstallationsanleitung. By default the IP address of the access point is
    3. Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein. Gehen Sie dann auf OK.
    4. Navigate to Advanced menu's Upgrade tab.
    5. If you know the path to the New Firmware Image file, enter it in the textbox. Otherwise, click the Browse button and locate the firmware image file.
    6. Click Update to apply new firmware image. A confirmation window describes the upgrade process.
    7. Click OK to confirm the upgrade and start the process. When the upgrade is complete the Web User Interface redisplays the Upgrade firmware page.
    8. It is recommended you do a factory reset (Advanced Menu, Reset Configuration)
    5453a-1.2.9-upgrade.tar 4.4 MB 25-07-06
    usr5453a-releasenotes-129.txt 1 KB 27-07-06
    Professional Access Point Detection Utility
    This will extract the Professional Access Point Detection Utility for the USR5453a to c:\KickStart.
    To launch the Professional Access Point Detection Utility from the Run... command in Windows, type c:\kickstart\kickstart.bat
    KickStart.exe 12.4 MB 24-03-06

    GPL Quelltext

    Der in diesem Produkt verwendete GPL Quelltext, steht als Download über GPL Code Central zur Verfügung.


    Ursprünglicher Firmware version 1.1.23
    5453a_1.1.23.tar 4.3 MB 02-02-06

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