USR805420 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter


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Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Repair Information
  • What is 802.11 wireless networking?
  • Mixed-network performance?
  • Wireless range performance
  • How do I enable the USRobotics Wireless Configuration Utility in Windows XP?
  • Wireless LANs – Are They Safe?
  • Supporto tecnico

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    Manuali e altri documenti

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    Drivers e Utility

    Driver e Configuration Utility Versione 1.0
    Note: these installation supports only Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP. There are no MAC drivers.

    1. Download below.
    2. Unzip the file to a local directory.
    3. Run "Setup.exe" by double-clicking on Setup.exe and follow the instructions.
    4. Plug in your device only after you have completed running setup.exe (You should not plug in your device before you run Setup.exe, since the new hardware wizard will not be able to find the driver, unless you have a previous installation). 3.88 MB 18-06-04
    Release-Notes1.0.txt 1 KB 18-06-04
    Linux Drivers
    GPL Source Code
    The GPL Source Code contained in this product is available as a free download from the GPL Code Central

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