USR805450 802.11g Multi-Function Access Point


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Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • What is 802.11 wireless networking?
  • When will the 125 Mbps upgrade be available?
  • How is 100Mbps achieved?
  • Mixed-network performance?
  • Do I have the correct drivers?
  • What is my default Login and Password?
  • Wireless range performance
  • Wireless Antenna Use
  • How do I enter a 256-bit WEP Key in Windows XP?
  • How do I enable the USRobotics Wireless Configuration Utility in Windows XP?
  • Wireless LANs – Are They Safe?
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    Manuali e altri documenti

    Released Firmware and Configuration Utility

    Note: It is critical that the AP have a valid IP Address before trying to update the firmware. Since the update process uses TFTP, a valid network IP Address is required. is not a valid IP address.
    125 Mbps Upgrade
    Aggiornamenti firmware - Versione 1.53b10

    Note: Previous configuration utilities cannot be used with firmware Versione 1.53b10. After upgrading the firmware, it is necessary to uninstall your previous configuration utility and install the latest Configuration Utility Versione 1.53b7.

    Note: If you are upgrading from Versione 1.41, your access point will retain its custom settings. Backup settings files from 1.41 firmware cannot be used to restore your settings after you have upgraded the firmware. It is recommended that you save your custom settings to a file after upgrading.

    Note: If you are upgrading from Versione 1.31 or older, your access point will reset to the factory default settings. Previous backup settings files from older firmware cannot be used to restore your settings. It is recommended to write down all of your custom settings before upgrading. After upgrading your firmware, reconfigure your Access Point, and then save your custom settings to a file.

    1. Download the usr5450_153b10 file located below.
    2. Click 153b10_upgrade_procedure.txt below and follow the upgrade procedures.
    153b10_upgrade_procedures.txt 2 KB 02-23-05
    usr5450_153b10.bin 896 KB 01-25-05
    1.53b10_release_notes.txt 1 KB 02-23-05
    Configuration Utility - Versione v1.53b7

    Note: This utility can only be used in conjunction with firmware 1.53b10.

    1. Download the USR5450_utility_1.53b7.exe file located below.
    2. Double-click the USR5450_utility_1.53b7.exe file to start the installation process.
    3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
    USR5450_utility_1.53b7.exe 1.63 MB 01-05-05


    Aggiornamenti firmware - Versione 1.41

    Note: Previous configuration utilities cannot be used with firmware Versione 1.41. After upgrading the firmware, it is necessary to uninstall your previous configuration utility and install the latest Configuration Utility Versione v1.42b1.

    Note: Upgrading to Versione 1.41 below will reset your access point to the factory default settings, including your password. Previous backup settings files from older firmware cannot be used to restore your settings. It is recommended to write down all of your custom settings before upgrading.

    1. Download the USR5450_141.bin file located below.
    2. Click firmware1.41_upgrade_procedure.txt below and follow the upgrade procedures.
    firmware1.41_upgrade_procedures.txt 1.22 KB 04-22-04
    USR5450_141.bin 896 KB 03-22-04
    firmware1.41_release_notes.txt 1 KB 04-22-04
    Configuration Utility - Versione v1.42b1

    Note: This utility can only be used in conjunction with firmware 1.41.

    1. Download the USR5450_Utility_1.42b1.exe file located below.
    2. Double-click the USR5450_Utility_1.42b1.exe file to start the installation process.
    3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
    USR5450_Utility_1.42b1.exe 1.63 MB 04-07-04
    Aggiornamenti firmware Versione 1.32b
    usr_5450_132b_nml.bin 1.08 KB 13-02-04
    Nota: Firmware versions 1.19 and 1.31 require the use of configuration utility 4.01E.
    Aggiornamenti firmware Versione 1.31

    Nota: This firmware update provides support for the following Advanced Modes - AP Client, Bridging, Multi-Bridging, and Repeater.

    firmware_upgrade_procedure.txt 1.08 KB 30-09-03
    USR5450_131.bin 896 KB 30-09-03
    Original Firmware Versione 1.19
    firmware_upgrade_procedure.txt 1.08 KB 27-07-03
    USR5450_119.bin 896 KB 27-07-03
    Configuration Utility - Versione USR04_4.01E
    utility_upgrade_procedure.txt 238 KB 29-07-03
    USR5450_APUtility_1.1E.exe 1.6 MB 29-07-03

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