USR808054 802.11g Wireless Turbo Router

(USR808054, USR805452)

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Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • How do I configure Remote Management on my USR8054?
  • How do I configure a DMZ computer on my USR8054?
  • How do I configure a Web server on my USR8054?
  • Resetting the USR8054
  • How does USR5450 compare to USR8054
  • What is 802.11 wireless networking?
  • How is 125 Mbps achieved?
  • How is 100 Mbps achieved?
  • Mixed-network performance?
  • What is my default Login and Password?
  • Do I have the correct drivers?
  • Wireless range performance
  • Wireless Antenna Use
  • Wireless LANs – Are They Safe?
  • Supporto tecnico

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    Guida per la risoluzione dei problemi

    Aggiornamenti firmware

    Versione 1.67b44 (125 Mbps Update)
    Note: Upgrading to Versione 1.67b44 may reset your wireless router to the factory default settings, including your password. We recommend that you write down your configuration settings prior to upgrading, reset the wireless router to defaults, and then re-configure your router after the upgrade. USRobotics is offering this update to improve issues with frequent router resets under certain data traffic conditions. 608 KB 18-04-05
    Versione 1.64b34 (125 Mbps Aggiornamenti firmware)
    Note: Upgrading to Versione 1.64b34 below will reset your wireless router to the factory default settings, including your password. USRobotics is offering this 125 Mbps upgrade to enhance connectivity via the following features:
    • WPA and WPA-PSK wireless security modes
    • 125 Mbps frame bursting enhancement
    • Dynamic wireless channel to avoid interference
    • Supports reception of Multicast streaming to LAN clients
    • Improved browser support
    • Improved wireless sensitivity prevents resets in noisy environments 606 KB 01-10-04
    Versione 1.21h (100 Mbps)
    Fai doppio click sul file e segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per completare l'installazione. Follow the directions in the upgrade.txt file to complete the update.

    Note: Upgrading to Versione 1.21h below will reset your wireless router to the factory default settings, including your password. However, if you receive a The Versione of setting file is not compatible message, you need to manually restore the router to its original default settings as described here. In addition, flashing your USRobotics 802.11g Wireless Turbo Router with anything other than USRobotics approved firmware will void your warranty. 540 KB 02-03-04

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