USR808700 Serial ATA 4-Drive NAS

(USR808700, USR8700, 8700, 64-008700-00)

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Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • How do I Access the Web Interface
  • Which is Drive 1?
  • What do the USB ports do?
  • How do I set up a printer with USR8700?
  • Printer Setup (IP based)

  • Supporto tecnico

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    Manuali e altri documenti

    Risoluzione di problemi

    Aggiornamenti firmware

    Original Firmware Version 1.2-B632
    Download the .pkg file to a temporary folder on your computer. From the Advanced page on the USR8700, select the Firmware option and select the file from the browse window. The firmware update will take approximately 2 minutes to complete. Please do not power off the USR8700 while the firmware update is in progress.
    fs-usr-1.2-b632.pkg 25.7 MB 11-04-2007
    Console Installation - Version 1.0 build 116
    This Management utility locates and launches the configuration pages for the USR8700.
    SSCv10b116.exe 992 KB 24-04-2007
    GPL Source Code
    The GPL Source Code contained in this product is available as a free download from the GPL Code Central


    Disk Safe Express Licenses The DiskSafe Express program bundled with the USR8700 is used to create an image of a PC's hard drive. This image is stored on the USR8700 and may be used to restore the PC's drive in case of emergencies.

    The license key included with the USR8700 allows the backup of one PC. To backup other computers, you may purchase additional licenses.
    Purchase License

    Hard drive Compatibility Information

    Western Digital WDxxxxYS – Units of this hard drive model running older versions of firmware are known to have functionality issues within RAID arrays causing random drive failure and data loss. Western Digital has released a firmware upgrade which fixes this issue, please refer to the following page for further information and to download the upgrade:

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