USR803513 Courier® M2M 4G LTE Cat 1 Mobilfunk-Gateway

USR803513 GCF-approved module; USR3513 PTCRB-approved module (North America)


Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften

Garantie : 2 Jahre

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Product is operating system Independent and is compatible with all current Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems


System Firmware Update Version 0153

The following upgrade process takes 12-13 minutes.

  1. Download the following file to a temporary location on your computer's hard drive.
  2. Do NOT extract the contents of the zip file.
  3. Open the Gateway's embedded Graphical User Interface (GUI)
    1. In a web browser, enter the gateway's IP address. The default IP address is
    2. At the login screen, enter the gateway's login credentials. The default Username is admin and password password.
    3. Choose Administrator on the menu bar.
    4. Select F/W Upgrade.
    5. Click the Choose File button*.
    6. Navigate to the folder where the zip file is located, and choose the file with the .zip suffix.
    7. Click the Open button.
    8. Click the Upgrade button*.
    9. The Gateway will then load the firmware and reboot.

*Note: When loading system firmware, use the Select File buttons; when loading radio firmware, use the Radio Firmware Select File buttons.

USR803513-0153-1640312658.zip60.9 MB24/12/2021
Release Notes1 KB 14/02/2022


System Firmware-Updates Version 0151
USR803513-0151-1583932198.zip60.9 MB11/03/2020
Release Notes1 KB 15/04/2020
System Firmware-Updates Version 0148
USR803513-0148-1553759510.zip60.9 MB28/03/2019
Release Notes1 KB 02/05/2019
System Firmware-Updates Version 0145 - Original
USR803513-0145-1541726077.zip60.9 MB 09/11/2018

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