Courier Case Studies

The Courier is used by large corporations and small businesses, market research firms and insurance companies, restaurant chains and retailers, among many others. We’ve included a few documents regarding the use of the Courier modem in various applications for your review.

My Modem Won’t Connect!

The head of a branch office for a regional VAR dials into the server every night to upload the record of the day’s sales and to download the latest information on product availability and pricing. Every now and then, he finds his consumer modem failed to make the connection during the night.

Addresses how Courier can ensure your sales data is transmitted and you have the most current pricing information on a regular basis.

Reduced Maintenance

A retailer with 50 stores uses modems to validate credit card purchases. The company employs an internal technical support person to perform routine maintenance. As machines are reconfigured, the modems lose their settings and must be reconfigured as well. This means technical support staff must visit each and every store to reconfigure the modems.

Addresses how the remote management and reconfiguration features of Courier saves you money.

Reliable Remote Access

An international commodities trading firm transferring financial data from Russia to the United States has branch offices at ten locations in Russia, each of which sends 1MB of data back to the U.S. per day. The firm needs constant, up-to-date transmission of information to remain competitive. The quality of Russian telephone lines is worse than the U.S. as is the quality of service and support. The expense of international phone lines and technical support is also an issue.

Addresses how the Courier can save you money with its carrier loss redial features.