USR809620 USB Telephone Adapter

(USR809620, USR9620, 64-809620-00R, 9620)

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Garanzia: 2 Anni

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  • Che cosa si intende per VoIP?
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  • Does the USRobotics USB Telephone Adapter support pulse dialing?

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    Manuali e altri documenti


    USB Telephone Adapter Utility for Windows Vista 32 bit Version 1.40.05UR01
    This is a beta version of the Windows Vista driver. USRobotics will not provide support for this driver.

    Please uninstall any previous versions of the driver prior to installation of this new driver.

    1. Download and extract the file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    2. To install, double-click setup.exe in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to install the USB Telephone Adapter.
    9620-V1.40.05UR01.zip4.1 MB02-01-07
    USB Telephone Adapter Utility for Windows 2000 e Windows XP Versione 1.30.08UR01
    Please uninstall any previous versions of the driver prior to installation of this new driver.
    1. Download and extract the file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    2. To install, double-click setup.exe in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to install the USB Telephone Adapter.
    9620-V.1.30.08UR01.zip2.9 MB12-10-06

    Skype Software Certified

    Utility Archive

    USB Telephone Adapter Utility Versione 1.14.09UR22
    9620-V.1.14.09UR22.zip1.3 MB19-01-06

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